Bavak delivers the autonomous drone as a 'turn-key' solution

Bavak delivers the autonomous drone as a 'turn-key' solution

June 15, 2023

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Bavak delivers the autonomous drone as a 'turn-key' solution

The Skeyetech E2 is 24/7 operational and flies truly autonomously (without a pilot) BVLOS - Beyond Visual Line of Sight.

This drone is the most widely used 'drone-in-a-box' solution worldwide. Developed in France and trusted by demanding industrial and government institutions around the world. The Skeyetech E2 provides an advanced platform for surveillance, inspection and operational support.

Designed as a flying camera, the drone aims to operate flight after flight all year round and anywhere. The system is now deployed in the most demanding environments for major players in various sectors: oil & gas, nuclear, renewable energy, chemical, steel, ports, construction sites and smart cities.

Bavak delivers the autonomous drone complete including permit application, including installation, including integration into your Security Management System, including insurance, including training and including periodic service moments.

Want to know more? Download the brochure at the bottom left of this page or contact Bavak.

Bavak. Securing daily life

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