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Good security requires expertise. Bavak has been providing the best security worldwide for more than 50 years. If you also want to know how, please contact us.
May 09, 2023
Bavak offers a wide range of bollards, some of which can be fitted with a sleeve, allowing the bollard to not only protect but also ‘communicate’. Even with the sleeve, the crash-rated resistance remains unchanged and therefore reliably high. This therefore offers you the possibility of using bollards as an additional communication platform for your brand, company information or even commercial messages.
The sleeves for the bollards can be printed with your message. These can be like company logos or city-logo’s, logo's of a shopping center or football club. Or thebollards can be transformed to product packaging such as cans or any other packaging that is round.
In this way, the bollard has a double function. It is protecting the perimeter from (unintentional) crashes and at the same time there is the additional communication possibility.
Want to know more about bollards? Check out the website or contact Bavak.
Bavak. Securing daily life
#Bavak #security #bollards
Good security requires expertise. Bavak has been providing the best security worldwide for more than 50 years. If you also want to know how, please contact us.