Pivot plate for Boom Barriers

Pivot plate for Boom Barriers

August 03, 2021

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Pivot plate for Boom Barriers

A pivot plate for Boom Barriers, isn’t that too much?

Nothing could be more true. In fact, a pivot plate is a solution in case of an emergency. In the event of an unintentional collision, the pivot plate ensures that the entire cabinet rotates aside which can prevent serious damages to the installation.

A second advantage of a pivot plate is that the cabinet can be rotated aside during maintenance or repair. This way, technicians can carry out the work safely next to the road surface and the passageway remains free for access. The pivot plate can be applied on the heavier Boom Barrier versions, such as the MCS51, MCS58 and MCS61.

In addition to the pivot plate, there are other options available for your Boom Barrier. There are warning and information labels such as, ‘STOP’, ‘NO EXIT’ or ‘NO ENTRY’. The installation can be expanded with traffic lights and the Barrier arms can be fitted with LED lightning. Boom Barriers equipped with a skirt, folding gate or articulated arm is also a possibility.

For more information, please send us an email to info@bavak.com or check our website Bavak Boom Barrier.

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