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October 05, 2021
Access Decision Granted or Denied
On a military base, the need for strict security is increasing, both for personnel and visitors. The ROMAP concept of Bavak, ensures a thorough and effective, remotely controlled access control. The control is very efficient and takes place at a distance of at least 500 meters, so direct contact with visitors is no longer necessary. ROMAP provides a thorough Access Decision.
Before a visitor is permitted to enter a location the visitor must identify itself externally. The identification takes place via Biometric features and non-biometric data. Per visitor the profile is stored in the system. This is followed by a process of Screening/Data Intelligence. By matching the profile with other data and assessing this, a classification of the visitor can be made.
As soon as a location will be visited, the ‘Verification’ follows. A visitor verifies itself via state-of-the-art palm technology. By scanning the palm of the hand, it is possible to establish quickly and accurately, whether the visitor is actually the person in question. Even with dirty or damaged hands, the palm scan is an accurate and fast solution.
After verification, the system has checked and classified the visitor and guides the visitor via the tourniquet logic to the correct route. This could be the direct isolated securing of the visitor, control of visitor and luggage or direct access to the military base. Via the Randomising tool it is possible to carry out random checks. These random checks are not dependent on persons and the tool can be adjusted depending on activity and risk level.
Eventually, a selected group of persons will be checked via Metal Detection and Millimetres scan and their luggage via X-ray equipment. Before entering the site, Trucks will be scanned via X-ray equipment and under vehicle inspection systems. If the check is positive, the visitors are allowed to enter the base: ACCESS DECISION GRANTED, in case of a negative check, the visitors will be detained in isolation: ACCESS DECISION ISOLATED.
Click here for more (technical) information about the ROMAP solution.
Good security requires expertise. Bavak has been providing the best security worldwide for more than 50 years. If you also want to know how, please contact us.