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Good security requires expertise. Bavak has been providing the best security worldwide for more than 50 years. If you also want to know how, please contact us.
July 15, 2021
For many years, Bavak has been supplying and maintaining high-quality equipment. To get the best results out of your equipment, it is important that your employees have had the right training. This makes them better able to recognize the background of threats and therefore achieve better results. In a training, all preconditions and exceptional matters are discussed. A trained person is more able to make the right decision.
For years, Bavak has been known for its X-ray training. These X-ray trainings last a day and are average rated with a 9+. The trainings are offered on three different levels and challenge the ‘trainees’ to improve themselves.
Besides X-ray training, Bavak also offers trainings for the use of Drone Detection Systems, Security Management Systems, Building Management Systems, the Mini Z (hand-held X-ray) and the Technical Management of Speedgates.
Many of these trainings can also be given on-site.
If you are interested in training for your employees, please send us an email to of click here
Good security requires expertise. Bavak has been providing the best security worldwide for more than 50 years. If you also want to know how, please contact us.